
January has been a slow month for me and photography. I have taken my camera out on several occasions but have thus far been hardly inspired by much of what I have seen. I have a random collection to post today of mismatched photos taken on these occasions. I hope February turns out to be a better month.Fields

These two images were taken on New Years day in Belhus Woods on a wander in the relative sunshine.

Fields 2

The next collection of images were taken in Martinhole Wood after the snow had settled.




Window Frame

This last collection I took today. My mothers orchid is in full bloom and it is a beauty to behold.


Orchid 2

Orchid 3

Weekly Photo Challenge – Changing Seasons

I was really gutted when this theme was chosen. I had snow last week and couldn’t get a good reflections picture but it would have been perfect for this. However, when I woke this morning to find a glimmering wonderland outside I knew it was for a reason.

changing weather 1

changing weather 2

changing weather 3

Snow Day

So last night I had decided that seeing as I had today off work, I would take part in the wordpress weekly photo challenge and get a photo for ‘reflection’. However, the weather had other ideas! I awoke this morning to see that it was snowing! The little girl in me allowed a little eeekkkk to escape. I checked to see that no one had heard me… then promptly began to get my camera battery on charge eagerly awaiting the snowfall to stop. I put on a ridiculous amount of layers, and walked over to the nature reserve with my little sis and the dog. The following is the result of my first camera snow day.










All pictures taken with the Canon 600d.